
Murasaki. El relato trata por extenso la intensidad de su sufrimiento mientras languidece en soledad. Tiene extraños sueños en los que se le aparecen su padre y otros seres sobrenaturales. En cuanto…


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The Biggest Lawsuit which will Never Happen

What will happen when the world realises that Global Warming is a fraud?

The article you are about to read should not make for comfortable viewing, if you care about the planet and those people on it, especially those most in need. If what I say is true, it should make you feel angry, betrayed, disappointed and upset.

I’m aware that the majority of Medium contributors take a stern view of climate change deniers, but this should not stop me from speaking my truth. Many of us have bought into the environmental disaster movement at some point, and won’t hear anything to the contrary, seeing climate change deniers as global heretics. I was once sucked in to the pseudo-science, but since working in the field, I have broadened my perspective and now see it for what it really is.

There is a growing group, and I count myself among it, which thinks that the global warming business is basically a racket. A very expensive racket, which has been successfully transferring wealth from the very poorest members of society, to the richest, every day for the last decade.

When climate alarmists realised that the world wasn’t actually warming, they changed their term from global warming to climate change. Apparently both warming and cooling are a result of elevated CO2 emissions. Righty Ho! Doesn’t sound very scientific to me….

We climate change deniers may be wrong, but I doubt it. Mother Nature is on our side. The billions of years of evolution on planet earth are on our side. An understanding of vested interests in the global warming business is on our side.

This undeniably robust planet, which has been recycling the energy of its atoms and molecules since its inception, hundreds of billions of years ago, stands in a better place today than it ever has before. And all of this despite no new materials having been shipped in from outer space.

Take a moment to consider that last sentence. Admit it. You take the stability of the place you call home for granted, don't you? You knew it when you were young, it was the reason you chose to come here in the first place. Had you thought the planet was in peril, you wouldn’t have chosen to be born at all.

If you have parented a small child, you will know what I am talking about, when you look into their eyes and see their confidence, their eagerness, their appetite for life. Even though they can’t walk or talk, have few teeth and barely any hair, and little control of their bodily functions, they know something the majority of us have forgotten; that life is good, and getting better.

Every day new babies come in their thousands. Life is a fun adventure, and they know that they are living on a stable, beautiful, resourceful planet which can provide whatever they need. The delivery of every creation that we have ever imagined, in the fullness of time, has come from the building blocks present on earth.

Of course, there is contrast inherent in life. For their to be an appreciation of light, there must also be the absence of light. For one to be able to perceive sound, there must also be the absence of sound. For money to mean anything, there must also be the absence of money. This duality of life is baked into the cake. It cannot be otherwise.

But don’t conflate small pockets of bad for a country or a planet going to the dogs. The little pockets of things which are not going well – things which the media focus upon and exaggerate – do not reflect the current state of affairs. The overwhelming majority of life is good. The security of the planet is evident to anyone who might care to look around and contemplate, if only for a moment.

I am not going to get into the slanging match and attempt to justify why global warming is a racket, I will let far more eloquent authors like James Delingpole, Rupert Darwall, Ian Plimer and Tony Heller do that on my behalf.

So flawed is the premise, that I feel no need to even engage in the argument. I have history on my side. I choose the broader perspective. I see a planet spinning in orbit with clockwork precision century after century. I see life in all its abundance.

Unlike the socialists behind the global warming racket, I have a relationship with God, and I cannot entertain the plainly ridiculous notion that God’s ongoing creation (which includes our present actions here on Earth) is leading to the destruction of the planet. I’m sorry, but it’s just nonsense. If you believe we’re doomed you are either depressed, lacking any connection to whomsoever or whatsoever created you, or you are a socialist.

Scaremongers and rabble rousers won’t ever admit that they (like all previous scaremongers before them) are wrong. The end is nigh! We’re all doomed! DOOMED! They’ve been saying it for centuries and every time they are wrong.

Not a real depiction of any city, anywhere in the world

So why do people point out that things are going wrong, or could go wrong in the future? Because they have discovered it is an excellent way to get something out of you. Usually money. Newspapers sell drama. Drug companies sell lotions and potions. Global warming activists sell the continuing status quo in return for vast quantities of your money.

You may as well flush your carbon taxes down the toilet for all the help they are doing to the environment. You can’t blame the alarmists for their hustle, but you don’t have to buy into it. Oh wait, you do have to! You have no choice but to buy into it, as the government is buying into it on your behalf.

Having watched the renewables field closely for the last 10 years, I have seen many contradictions first hand. Contradictions inherent in any business based upon a false premise. I have seen the difficulty in marrying government carbon based taxes to the challenges of real life. The only thing going for global warming is employment; we have managed to create a brand new multi-billion pound business, largely out of nothing.

We are living in the Information Age. Our media is Open-Source. The legacy media can try to control the narrative, but there are just too many dissenters for them to be able to shut them all down.

Just as so-called charities like Oxfam are being shown to be morally bankrupt, abusing the desperate people they are paid by us to help, the world will soon discover that the global warming industry has also been abusing its privileged position, betraying the trust of well-meaning governments and their tax paying funders, and providing nothing in return.

The UK is primarily a services economy. What better service than consulting, administering, taxing and regulating emissions of a natural atmospheric gas which is essential to the continuation of life on planet earth?

It’s the perfect socialist bureaucracy; having an excuse to meddle in the lives of everyone who uses fossil fuels (i.e., everyone), and no repercussions for messing it up, which government bureaucracies always inevitably do.

So what will happen when the world wakes up to the plain-as-day fact that there is no link between carbon dioxide emissions and rising global temperatures, and that global warming legislation and the taxation arising from it, has been tantamount to global fraud? We denizens of The West might feel compelled to seek out compensation for our loss.

I joke with my car-loving chums every time I see a VW Golf GTD (the diesel equivalent of the GTi). “If it wasn’t for the global warming brigade, they could be driving a GTi!” How can you put a price on lost opportunity? Having to drive around in what is essentially a tractor because some brainless government official listened to another brainless, but well sponsored ‘scientist’, to penalise a cleaner fuel over a dirtier one? It’s a shame, and a lost opportunity.

Here’s what you could have been driving!

Obsessed with the tailpipe emissions of a beneficial gas - Carbon Dioxide – governments have inadvertently encouraged the adoption of diesel cars through progressive taxation policies. In the process, they missed the entire point.

Diesel engines always have been bigger polluters than petrol ones. They have now done a volte-face and are penalising and vilifying the very diesel cars they encouraged motorists to buy in the first place. What’s that saying, something about the blind leading the blind? Perhaps another class action lawsuit? Why not.

This is just the tip of the (supposedly melting) iceberg. The government has been taxing energy which is carbon based for a decade, passing the proceeds on to big businesses, landowners and those who work in the energy industry – few of whose actions do anything to avert the disaster these people are convinced is coming.

I say this with certainty, because I understand how utilities work. Any utility is funded by the customers at the bottom; the householders who use gas, electricity and oil for heating, cooking and travel.

The companies who generate, transmit, and sell energy, each make a profit, it’s the little people at the bottom who pick up the tab for whole industry.

The UK has endured 10 years of tax on carbon based fuels. This tax has been levied on business, on transport, on the gas and electricity that we rely on for our very survival: to heat our homes and cook our food, and transport ourselves and our families around.

Oil and Gas are the primary fuels in the manufacturing and supply of everything from an iPhone to the food on our tables. Nothing has escaped the environmentalists’ reach, it seems. The carbon bureaucracy layer which manages the expenditure of the carbon money will have cost the taxpayer hundreds of millions more.

Meanwhile in school, our children have been subject to frightening propaganda, terrorised into believing that their very natural behaviour, in living their lives and exploring their world, is somehow destroying the planet.

Initially, they won’t hear of it, as they know better. But the teachers wear them down with their fake ‘facts’ until they are brainwashed, frightened and feel unworthy to be alive. They are little socialists in the making.

If (or perhaps when) the world wakes up to the reality of this immeasurable fraud, the level of the scandal will make the UK banking sector PPI, money laundering and LIBOR scandals look like minor infractions.

According to the committee on climate change, 9% of a household energy bill (gas and electric) is directly down to carbon taxation. The business of growing food, manufacturing and shipping products all involve carbon tax. Any industry which uses energy has been screwed by the climate change act 2008.

What about businesses which have to pay the government a carbon tax and therefore cannot compete with foreign firms who have no such levy to pay, and whose workers end up losing their jobs?

As much as I would like to see western governments taken to the cleaners over global warming fraud (and have some of my money back), in reality I expect no such justice will come. When a deceit of this scale occurs, it is conveniently forgotten, brushed under the carpet by the media. It must be this way to preserve the fabric of society.

Most people could not handle the fall out of such an existential challenge to their world view. How did society allow the wool to be pulled over their eyes? How can these people have knowingly lied to us about our actions destroying the planet, just to control our behaviour and extract money from our bank accounts?

On the one hand, there will always be scaremongers, on the other the taxpayers who pay their mortgages. Meanwhile, the planet will continue to spin year after year, millennium after millennium, and there's absolutely nothing you can do to stop it.

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